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In recent years, the culture of long-distance cycling has flourished across Malaysia. Spearheaded by Audax Randonneurs Malaysia, countless cyclists have embraced the challenge of ultra-distance cycling, ranging from 200km to an impressive 1300km.


Today, a simple inquiry to a cyclist no longer revolves around their destination, but rather, the kilometers they've conquered. Responses of 400km or 600km no longer elicit surprise, reflecting the growing popularity and normalization of endurance cycling in our nation.


While short races offer their own excitement, the true test lies in the realm of ultra races. Here, cyclists confront their personal limits head-on, navigating vast distances without the aid of drafting within a group.


Now, we proudly introduce the Race Across Malaysia (RAM), sanctioned by Race Across America (RAAM). RAM stands as a testament to the endurance and determination of cyclists in our region, drawing inspiration from international ultra rides such as Paris-Brest-Paris (PBP) and the Transcontinental Race (TCR).


Unlike the multi-stage format of the Tour de France, RAM presents a unique challenge. It's not just a race; it's a continuous journey where the clock ticks relentlessly from start to finish, pushing cyclists to their limits like never before.

160km Sportives are no longer challenging to many cyclists, and they are hunting for the next big challenge

It's an Ultra-Distance Race

Unlike Audax Brevet, Race Across Malaysia (RAM) is a competitive race. All Race Across Series Organizers utilize average speed to establish cut-off times, enabling the determination of cut-off times for RAM300, RAM700, and RAM1000. In Race Across Malaysia, there are three race categories: Solo Self-supported, Solo Supported, and Team of 2. Each category has different time limits across various distances.


Started in 2023, we introduced RAM300, and in 2024, we are expanding to include RAM700 and RAM1000. Riders who successfully complete RAM700 and RAM1200 within the designated time limits in Solo categories will qualify for RAAM and receive a certificate and a letter of invitation to compete in RAAM. Plaques commemorating the achievement of RAAM Qualified status will be available for purchase at the end of the year in the RAAM Store. Each rider who has completed the race within the specified time limit, and thus achieved "RAAM Qualified" status, can obtain their own plaques directly from the RAAM Store. The RQ Plaques are priced at $44.99 plus shipping (USD).

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